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It's NO CONTEST I'll be Backing This Project

So I realized I had a recent issue with my Kickstarter account, and it was still linked to my old-defunct bank account. Which is why you haven't heard me talk about projects I've backed much. Now that the problem has been rectified, it's about to rain down recommendations for projects I think are amazing!

With 21 days left to go to hit its $3,000 goal, it is time to help bring issue 2 of No Contest to life!

The summary is as follows: "No Contest #1 & 2 is a hard-hitting follow-the-hit series NO CONTEST that follows real-life lawyer Daniel Martinez as he helps MMA fighter AXEL STRONG get back in the ring after being set up by a corrupt local fight organizer (Bruno). This book is action-packed with fights inside and outside the ring -even in the courtroom! This book is a cross between LAW & ORDER, the UFC and a dash of Daredevil."

There are two reasons why I'm excited to back this project. First, is its another book Travis Gibb (Coins of Judas, Broke Down and 4 Dead Bodies, Voodoo Nations and More!) is on, and while I missed the initial issue, it brings me to my second reason! You can get both issues digitally for just $8 or just $15 for physical books. I love supporting indie comic projects which are both affordable and with reasonable goals, because it increases the likelihood that the project will be successful at minimal financial risk!

Of course, if you are interested in some flashier exclusive covers, you can definitely scratch that itch as well. I'm a big fan of the Daredevil homage cover, which you can get for a $20 pledge.

All-in-all, I am in love with anything which comes out from Orange Cone Productions, and you know if you back it, you'll get a high quality product, perfectly shipped and delivered to you on time! I really think OCP (not the evil Robo Cop corparation) has one of the best kickstarter distribution models in the game!!!

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